AI employees that actually work
Try AITeams risk free
A plan for every budget
Upgrade as you grow
Excellent support
Done-for-you DFY services available*
If AITeams does not work for your business for whatever reason, you can cancel anytime. *Done for you (DFY) services are available as an upgrade within the application.
AI Teams can assist your employees with their work
Let your AI employees come up with your social posting plan, analyze your financial data, come up with a sales plan, draft a legal agreement, and much more.
AI Employees can be trained and specialized
Experience instant content generation and receive expert guidance and insights for your content creation or any other projects.
AI Teams can help your business grow
AI experts can assist you in outlining a solid business marketing plan and provide a successful business plan outline.
AI Teams is an innovative service offered exclusively by Sensum Inc, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to enhance team collaboration and boost productivity.